Marigold Creme Brulee

← Part of Flowers, 10 Pots

This eye-catching marigold produces unusual, large semi-double, creamy yellow flowers that are boldly flecked in red. These colourful annuals are excellent for mass bedding, borders, large troughs, tubs and pots on a sunny terrace or patio. For blooming good results feed every two weeks and remove spent blooms for more abundant flowers.

Garden Beds:

Prepare the ground prior to planting. Turn the soil to a depth of approximately 20cm. Incorporate to a depth of 2.5cm thick well rotted animal manure or commercial potting mix. Add Gypsum over the top of the manure or potting mix (approx 1 handful to every square metre). Water plants well prior to planting and allow to drain. Plant to depth of cell root ball. Apply Thrive or Miracle Gro to your seedlings every two weeks for good results. Remove old and dead flower heads on a regular basis to maintain stunning colour.

Pots & Baskets:

Fill the pot or basket with potting mix. Dry media should be moistened before planting. As a guide, plant 3 plants per 30cm basket to provide you with a strong display.

Plant Height: 20-25cm

Plant Distance: 15-20cm

Harvest: 14 weeks