Chilli Birds Eye

← Part of Vegetables, Gourmet Vegies

Chilli birds eye photo

Pohlmans Gourmet Vegetables® Chilli Birdseye is a high yielding green to red chilli. The small 4-5cm long chillies are not more than 1cm wide and have smooth skin. At maturity, the fruit colour changes from green to red. Pick immature or when mature and fully red for the hottest peppery taste. Use fresh or dried in pickles, curries, sauces, soups, marinades, stir fries, salsas, casseroles, dips, pasta sauces, salads and other hot dishes.

Suitable for: trough and terrace planting, veggie patches

Location: Full Sun/Part shade

Height: 1.5cm

Planting distance: 1m apart

Harvest: 10-12 weeks